
June 24, 2022

Hiring Guide: How to Improve your Hiring to Match the Digital Age

It’s 1990, and you’re watching a movie portraying a futuristic reality of a technology-consumed society where people have flying cars, and robots take your order at restaurants. Flash forward to 2022, where battery-powered cars steer themselves. The world constantly communicates through small, wireless devices, and people produce and publish nearly every aspect of their lives daily. Advancements in technology reflect this digital world we live in today and we aren’t far from that seemingly, imaginative vision. More than ever, our relationships, careers, and overall feelings of self-worth play a part in the content we create and consume, influencing our societal formalities, businesses, and culture. So why are some of the most fundamental processes affecting our lives still archaic? 

1. Use a centralized location for your hiring needs 


When asked, hiring managers and recruiters have no real commitment to job boards and force themselves to use these platforms to find talent due to a lack of options. Ensure your company has the space to tell its story by implementing a careers page with open positions and using a centralized platform like cnect to manage your team, create jobs, and promote open positions. 

2. Promote open positions 


Hiring within the company is one step many employers overlook in the hiring process. Internal referrals help promote open positions and spread brand awareness organically. Too often, employers lack the time and resources to tell their stories. Your company presence and message play an essential role in the hiring process. With 79% of job seekers using social media in their job search, promoting open positions on places such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok is vital in attracting quality candidates. Create a marketing strategy and recommend jobs where your candidates spend most of their time. 

3. Adopt a video-based solution 


Video-based technology is the way of the world, and adopting this as part of your hiring process is essential in attracting talent. Let candidates tell their stories in personalized ways with video introductions instead of requiring cover letters. Gauge compatibility within minutes and see a candidate’s resume come to life in video form, helping eliminate that initial interview without scheduling conflicts. 

With hiring management platforms like cnect, companies can recognize that a simple hiring process to find quality candidates doesn’t have to take you through the gauntlet. The most robust and expensive hiring platforms and job boards aren’t always the answer. Searching for talent and scheduling time for interviews wastes valuable company time and gets little to no results for businesses struggling to fill positions quickly. Transform your hiring process to match the digital world we live in today and take back your time, resources, and energy spent on an outdated hiring process.

Visit our website to optimize your hiring and change the process from days, weeks, and months to hours, minutes, and seconds. 

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